Dracula (Van Helsing)

Gentlemen, we are dealing with the undead…Yes, Nosferatu, the undead, the vampire. The vampire attacks the throat. It leaves two little wounds, white with red centers. Dr. Seward, your patient Renfield whose blood I have just analyzed, is obsessed with the idea that he must devour living things in order to sustain his own life…I may be able to bring you proof, that the superstition of yesterday can become the scientific reality of today… Dracula is our vampire. A vampire casts no reflection in the glass. That is why Dracula smashed the mirror…The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him….A vampire, Mr. Harker, is a being that lives after its death by drinking the blood of the living. It must have blood or it dies. Its power lasts only from sunset to sunrise. During the hours of the day, it must rest in the earth in which it was buried…he must have brought his native soil with him, boxes of it. Boxes of earth, large enough for him to rest in… Miss Mina is to wear this wreath of wolfsbane when she goes to bed. Watch her closely, and see that she does not remove it in her sleep…And under no circumstances must these windows be opened tonight…You will recollect that Dracula cast no reflection in the mirror…and that three boxes of earth were delivered to him at Carfax Abbey…and knowing that a vampire must rest by day in his native soil, I am convinced that this Dracula is no legend but an undead creature whose life has been unnaturally prolonged…If you take her from under our protection, you will kill her… Mr. Harker. I have devoted my lifetime to the study of many strange things, little-known facts which the world is perhaps better off for not knowing….Our only chance of saving Miss Mina’s life is to find the hiding place of Dracula’s living corpse and to drive a stake through its heart… Should you escape us, Dracula, we know how to save Miss Mina’s soul, if not her life…And I will have Carfax Abbey torn down stone by stone, excavated a mile around. I will find your earth box and drive that stake through your heart.