East Haddam (Julie)
Julie says
Hi. I’m Julie. This is my town. It’s the greatest . . . no. It’s the most . . . no. It’s . . . uh
. . . unique. You’ll see. It’s uniquely unique in its uniqueness. Which is not to say it is
all I want it to be. I could move away one day. To somewhere else. Somewhere flatter
or with more buildings. Somewhere with a bigger sky or closer to the ocean. I might do
that. I’ve been talking about it for years. But here I am still. And now you’re here too. I
don’t know. It has its charm. I meant to move away for college but instead I commuted
and then I got my own place and then I got a job here, so . . . I teach, um, I teach English
over at the high school. Mostly freshmen. It’s okay. I might not be good at it. No one
notices. Don’t tell. I’m looking for um . . . something. I’m not really sure. Love? Or
maybe just like one good verbal exchange every day. Is that weird? This town is pretty
weird. No, really. You’ll see. I hope you’ll be able to handle it. It might be . . . a little
tricky at first. But I’m glad you’re here. Don’t pity me for my little life. Please. You
don’t have everything. Do you? No. Do you? No. No one does.