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The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
Mean Girls
The Diary of a Teenage Girl (Charlotte)
CHARLOTTE: I don”t know what your problem is, Minnie. I would think you would be more into boys. Even Gretel has a boyfriend. I mean he”s just that little short Italian boy from her class but still. Don”t you like anybody? You can tell me. (There is a long pause.)
Network (Diana Christensen)
Why not? They’ve got Strike Force, Task Force, SWAT. Why not Che Guevara and his own little mod squad? Listen, I sent you all a concept analysis report yesterday. Did any of you read it? Well, in a nutshell, it said the American people are turning sullen. They’ve been clobbered
Mad Men (Don Draper)
Well, technology is a glittering lure. But, uh, there is the rare occasion when the public can be engaged on a level beyond flash, if they have a sentimental bond with the product.
Good Will Hunting (Will Hunting)
Do you like apples? … Well I got her number! How do you like them apples?
Point Break (Angelo Pappas)
Huaahahahaha! This Calvin and Hobbes is funny! … You want some oranges? … No. No. We got lots. We got lots. No thanks. Good luck. … God. … Huhuhahahaha! For his turkey cemetery! Ho! … It’s time for lunch. … Right around that corner, there is a sandwich shop. They
Malcolm X (Malcolm X)
I must emphasize at the outstart that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is not a politician. So I’m not here this afternoon as a Republican, nor as a Democrat; not as a Mason, nor as an Elk; not as a Protestant, nor a Catholic; not as a Christian, nor a Jew;